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Akbar Birbal Story - Part 16

One day two businessmen named Sevamal and Mandbudh came to Akbar’s court seeking for resolution to their dispute. Sevamal complained that last month, he had lent Mandbudh some money but now Mandbudh is refusing to pay him back. He complained that, in fact, Mandbudh is disagreeing with the fact of ever taking money from him. 

Akbar asked Mandbudh his part of the story and Mandbudh told that Sevamal is just lying and trying to hurt his business. Akbar then asked Birbal to get to the conclusion of the matter and to find out who is lying.
Birbal heard the story from both sides and then decides to visit the market to know more about them. He sent his servant to the market and on his return, he tells Birbal that everyone considers Sevamal to be a very humble man whereas Mandbudh is a clever and selfish person. Birbal then gets an idea and asks his servant again to put one gold coin each in two separate bowls of ghee and then to sell it to both Sevamal and Mandbudh. 
The next day Birbal declared Mandbudh as the real culprit as he never returned the gold coin but Sevamal being a humble person returned it which proves that Mandbudh is a liar and is capable of committing a false deed. Akbar then punishes Mandbudh and orders him to give back the money.
